What’s a Magnificat?
(Here’s What’s in Our Name)
Basically the first thing I did after getting positive pregnancy tests was start brainstorming baby names. And, for all three of my children, choosing a name was an inspiring, but bizarrely intense, process.
Turns out, naming an anthology isn’t any easier.
Selecting a title was quite the adventure. For starters, an overwhelming quantity of the ideas our collaborators came up with were so good that other people had already used them. ;-) We composed and considered well over 100 options and variations (yes, I counted) without settling on anything. Then, in one late-night burst of synergy, our team spliced a couple existing phrases and felt like we FOUND it:
Messy Magnificat: words & images from mothers who create
Now, THE Magnificat is what Mary sang during her miraculous pregnancy with Jesus (see Luke 1:46-55). It’s an incredible response—willing and joyful surrender to God’s bestowal of motherhood. It’s also worth noting that The Magnificat was first shared with another mother, her cousin Elizabeth. Apart from Mary, though, a magnificat is simply defined as an expression of praise.
I want what I create within my mothering to praise God, but —let’s be real— my magnificat is not going to be some shiny glorious song, it’s going to vacillate between a do-this-NOW tone and a ragged lullaby, between silly giggles and raspy, sobbing prayers. It is (and has been and will be) MESSY.
And it’s still worship.
It’s still beauty.
It’s still worth creating.
Please note that “Magnificat” is not plural. While each act of art is indeed its own piece of worship, I love the idea that all our creations in the infinite tumults of motherhood somehow weave together in this ongoing universal elaboration of Glory.
So here it is, in so many pieces – our Messy Magnificat.
I want to share mine with you.
And I need you to share yours.
RACHEL YORKOWITZ is a word nerd with a special fondness for prepositions, chocolate, her husband, two daughters, son, metaphors, and attempts at 3D art — though not in that order. Creating has been a constant source of joy, sanity, and connection to God as she’s lived and found community all over the continental US. She currently lives in Florida where she had a nutty idea to start an anthology about the glorious tangle of art, motherhood, and Jesus.