Kiss the Rain
“I will always kiss the rain,”
my daughter told me.
She’s two.
What can she know about rain?
About the rumpus of thunderstorms,
honest downpours over cornfields,
pattered lullabies that soothe the last snow...
“I will always kiss the rain,”
she repeated.
…cranky mists that settle like migraines,
sunny cloudbursts unspooling rainbows,
cold drenches that flashflood careful plans,
bouncing showers feeding the puddles,
frantic monsoons sweeping from distant seas...
“I will always kiss the rain,”
she promises.
Oh Darling – DO.
Kiss it all.
RACHEL YORKOWITZ is a word nerd with a special fondness for prepositions, chocolate, her husband, two daughters, son, metaphors, and attempts at 3D art — though not in that order. Creating has been a constant source of joy, sanity, and connection to God as she’s lived and found community all over the continental US. She currently lives in Florida where she had a nutty idea to start an anthology about the glorious tangle of art, motherhood, and Jesus.