Acorn Introductions

(a word about our new logo)

Logo by Melinda Posey

Messy Magnificat has always been an “acorn idea” – small and nutty, but with all the potential to take root and grow.  

Acorns astound me, how the full formula for a stalwart tree is coiled under that little ridged cap. 

Of course, such growth necessitates heaps of mess– dirt from decomposition, alternations of drenching and dryness, the wretched reality of fertilizer, and then seasons of barrenness, renewal, ripening, and release. 

But somehow, in ways that we cannot fully understand or explain, growth happens.  

And the waiting and the taking root and sprouting and nurturing and branching out and turning over new leaves and eventually sending out seeds…  in all this, acorns exemplify the grimy and glorious tension between the present and the future, between the already and the not yet. 

When you see this logo, we hope it reminds you not just of Messy Magnificat, but also of the acorns you are tending as you continue to create, as you mother those little nuts who have entire forests inside them  just waiting to grow.  

~ Rachel Yorkowitz


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